Bud Selig blew the call…

I know that last’s nights perfect game, I mean should have been perfect game has nothing to do with the Rangers, but as a baseball fan I felt as I needed to put my opinion on it, so take it for what it is worth. So far in my 25 years of life I have never had the opportunity to watch or listen to a perfect game, yet alone a no-hitter.

So last night I was on my computer, when I ended up on ESPN.com reading news and saw the alert “Tigers Pitcher Perfect through 7 Innings.” I clicked on it and saw all the zero’s, so I grabbed my iPhone and put my headphones in and started the MLB at Bat app and listened to the game.

I started listening in the middle of the ninth inning and I can not explain the excitement I felt as he got the first out of the inning, it built to almost to unbearable when I heard he had the second out of the inning. Of course I am listening to the Detroit part of the broadcast and I hear Cabrera fields the ball and tosses it to Galarrago to get the last out…

And then I hear oh no, umpire Jim Joyce calls him safe and the perfect game is done. My heart sunk, because there is nothing more amazing in baseball than the perfect game. I did not see the play, but the announcers starting saying that he recorded the out, but I figured they were a little biased until I saw the replay seconds later on ESPN and I was like “How the hell could he blow that call, he was out!!!”

I am not neccasarily a fan of the Tigers, but I am a fan of baseball and once seeing the replay I had a flood of emotions. I was pissed at the umpire, I was upset for Galarrago and I was just in disbelief, which what I feel is similar to what most fans were feeling. So after the game, when Joyce was able to see the replay and acknowledged the blown call and later that evening Justin Donald the 27th out even said he was out, I figured Commissioner Bud Selig would step up and do something about the game.

I am sorry, I know there is a human element to a game, I understand that, humans make mistakes. I also understand that if Selig were to overturn the call, he would open himself up to all kinds of inquiries on controversial calls. But most everybody who is a baseball fan, would support calling Donald out and ending the game on the 27th out making the 21st perfect game in history.

I can understand a crucial out in a playoff game in the six inning and Selig not wanting to touch it. I can understand that him not wanting to touch the first out in the ninth in a perfect game on a blown call because there is still game left and it could affect the game, but we are talking about the last out of the game, the final out of the game, a perfect game at that. Selig needs to step up, call the game over at the 27th batter of the game and officially call it the 21st game in MLB history and the third this season.

I know that there has not been an official announcement about Selig not overturning the call, but for the sake of Armando Galaggaro he pitched a perfect game and he deserves to be given the credit for it, since everyone after the fact has admitted it was a blown call. If he never makes an announcement about his decision about the game, he is a coward because he doesn’t want to face opposition.

I understand that during his tenure Baseball has not seen a strike since 1995, but always taking the middle of the road on controversial subjects and not saying either way is pathetic. I am sorry Selig, but if you don’t overturn it, I lose respect for you, if you never say anything else about it, tha’ts even worse. I am sorry about ranting on here, I just felt like I needed to vent, because in a sense I feel like I was robbed the opportunity to listen to perfect game live myself. I may never have that opportunity again, but at least give the kid credit for the game he pitched.
