The Rangers Have Made It

This week ESPN has a new series called The Future Power Rankings. These posts consist of the rankings of teams and how they are setup to contend in 2015 and beyond. Guess who is numero uno.

The judgment of the organizations is based on a numbered scale, 5 categories, 30 possible points in each one. The overall score is a possible 100, averaging the other scores and assigning a comparable number. The Rangers ended up with a 91.1, the next highest score? An 83.4 by the Yankees.

Now, what does this mean? To me, it means everything. It shows that hiring the youngest GM in the history of baseball payed off. It means that all the years of heartache, the losing seasons, the missed playoffs, the two World Series that didn’t go the right way actually mean nothing. It means that being a proud Rangers fan has payed off, will pay off, and continue to pay off for the years to come.

From the mishap trade of Adrian Gonzalez, to the profound and extraordinary trade of Mark Teixeira, to Game 6, to now in this moment, Jon Daniels and Co. transformed our hobby team to a super-house that will be such for a really long time.

Perhaps the biggest issue facing the Rangers will be to figure out on which fingers their World Series rings will go. With a surplus of pitching and one of the best offenses and defenses in baseball, the Rangers just need to maintain the team. This includes replacing Josh Hamilton or signing him to a long-term contract. After coming close twice, they will finally get their World Series title very soon. — Jim Bowden

This paragraph is what made everything worth it for me. Knowing that your favorite team is good and knowing that everyone else knows it is amazingly different. Tonight I will sleep well, as should you. Be a proud Rangers fan and make sure everyone knows it. Until next time, Go Rangers.