rake: v. To get base hits by hitting the ball well; to get many hits, esp. off a given pitcher.
rally cap
: A baseball cap that has been turned inside out, put on backwards, or otherwise oddly displayed by the players on the bench and/or in the bullpen to invoke a rally. The superstitious notion began with the Texas Rangers in 1977-1979. *I haven’t seen too many players nowadays use the rally cap, I think it is primarily used by fans*
Fans believe in the Rally Cap so much that the Texas Rangers used it in a promo video:
: Run(s) Batted In
Kevin Kouzmanoffgets an RBI Single:
: The rectangular slab of whitened rubber, 24 inches long and 6 inches wide, set into and atop the pitcher’s mound so that the distance from the front edge of the rubber to the back point of plate is 60 feet, 6 inches.
This clip has a
of terms I’ve covered: Shin-Soo Choo hits a
into right field for a
, bringing home
Robinson Chirinosfor an
(and somewhere I know Busby says ‘
single; double; triple: Base hit on which the batter reaches first base safely; second base; third base respectively.
stand-up double: A double in which the batter is able to reach second base without sliding.
stand-up triple: A triple in which the batter is able to reach third base without sliding.
two-bagger: Syn. of a double