Yu Darvish: The Ace in the Hole

Yu Darvish is still better than pretty any one else on the Texas Rangers right now, even if he is no where close to his best like last night.

“He bent, he didn’t break,” Washington said. “The guy’s a good pitcher. It’s the Major Leagues, and sometimes he’s going to have to go out there and fight like he did tonight. He showed some heart out there tonight.” texasrangers.com

Darvish gave up four runs after his team spotted him with a 4-0 lead. Frustrating to say the least, but for Darvish it could have been a whole lot worse.

Michael Choice

hit the go ahead home run and the Texas Rangers eventually won the game.

It is difficult to go out there be your best every night, especially when the strike zone is not as big as a pitcher would like it to be.

"I think the strike zone was a little bit smaller today,” Darvish said. “So I had to be creative.”"

Yu Darvish has the stuff to be creative, as he called it. He was able to strike out 8 Indians in the process of not having his best night. The Texas Rangers have come to expect Yu Darvish to always be at his best, it is nice to see them win a game for him on a day that he wasn’t at his best.

Today Nick Tepesch gets the ball in game two of four against the Tribe, and Michael Choice is batting leadoff, Shin-Soo Choo is batting third and Mitch Moreland is moving to sixth. Enjoy the game everyone.

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