Daniel Robertson continues to impress

There is one thing for sure and that is Texas Rangers outfielder Daniel Robertson loves baseball.  Robertson only played 2 games before he was optioned back to the minors in April, but the Rangers brought he back up on May 18.  The Texas Rangers couldn’t have brought up a better person to be on the team.

Robertson has struggled a bit this season especially in the month of May, but he’s battled his way back from a batting average of .111 in May to a .273 in the month of June.  Also, he’s battled through an injury that would probably stop many players from playing at all.

If you don’t recall Daniel Robertson collided with Alex Rios in the outfield on a fly ball.  Both were going for the ball and Robertson slid for the ball sliding directly into Rios’ knee causing the gum in his mouth to go flying out.  Many thought that white stuff coming out was a tooth.  Luckily for Robertson it wasn’t but was left with several fractures in his face.

Watch: Robertson’s injury on the collision with Alex Rios 05/22/14

It appeared that Robertson was about to land on the disabled list, but instead he took a few days off and was back in the game.  He has to play with a special helmet right now that gives him added protection and a protective mask for the outfield.

Last week while Daniel Robertson was at third base Adrian Beltre fouled off two balls that came close to hitting him.  Robertson smiled jokingly gestured to his face to Beltre.

Watch: Adrian Beltre almost hits Robertson 06/09/14

Why does Robertson impress?  For one, the guy has guts!  You can’t deny that fact.  He playing in at least a little bit of pain and/or discomfort.  But he’s not going to complain about it.  He’s going to do what ever it takes to play ball for the Rangers.  He’s worked very hard in the minors to get where his is today and he’ll do what ever it takes to stay.  He’s a very hard worker, great guy and great player.

If you haven’t read the book “Where nobody knows your name: Life in the Minor Leagues of Baseball” you really should read it.  Daniel Robertson is a great example of a player that has worked hard to get where he is today.  If he does start to struggle don’t be quick to judge, give him some time.  Like all other players that have reached the Majors, he did it with hard work, dedication and perseverance.

He’s currently batting .273 on this road trip, which again is pretty impressive when you consider it is against the Mariners and Athletics.
