Texas Rangers top playoff performers: Pitchers
Pitcher: Cliff Lee 2010
The acquisition of Cliff Lee in 2010 is what set the Rangers first World Series trip into motion. He was every bit as good as advertised in the 2010 post season. Lee pitched 35.2 innings over 5 starts and even had a complete game in the mix, while compiling a 2.78 ERA.
Pitcher: Colby Lewis 2010
As good as Cliff Lee was, Colby Lewis may have been better. He boasted a spotless 3-0 record in four starts and had a tiny 1.71 ERA. The problem for the Rangers though was the lack of quality pitching beyond those two at the top of the rotation.
Pitcher: Derek Holland 2011 (WS game 4)
I’m not going to lie, Derek Holland only makes this list because of his performance in Game 4 of the 2011 World Series. Holland allowed only 2 hits and struck out 7 batters in 8.1 innings pitched. Its considered the best single game post season pitching performance in franchise history.
Pitcher: John Burkett 1996
Just as we started with a player from the 1996 squad, we end with one as well. Burkett spun a gem in the Rangers first ever play off game, going all nine innings and allowing only two runs to the Yankees offense. It was the Rangers first and only victory in the post season until the 2010 team made their World Series run.