What does Jordan Montgomery's contract situation update mean for Rangers in 2025?

Rangers fans continue to hope that Jordan Montgomery could make his way back to the team at some point, but that path just got a bit trickier.

San Francisco Giants v Arizona Diamondbacks
San Francisco Giants v Arizona Diamondbacks / Norm Hall/GettyImages

Amongst everything that the Texas Rangers did or didn't do last offseason, no decision has stood out more than the choice not to bring back Jordan Montgomery. While Montgomery hasn't exactly lit the world on fire after signing with the Diamondbacks, he is still a huge reason why the Rangers won the World Series last year and probably would have been a huge help in 2024 given Texas' rotation injury woes, especially if he had been given a full spring training.

Regardless, the die is cast and the Rangers will have to find a way to adapt without Montgomery for at least this year. However, now that a curious provision in Montgomery's contract has been triggered, it is fair to wonder about the odds of Texas reuniting with Montgomery in 2025.

Jordan Montgomery unlocks player option for 2025, but a Rangers reunion remains possible

Now that Montgomery has made 10 starts for Arizona this year, he officially has a player option worth at least $20 million for 2025, which also has escalators based on the number of starts he makes this year. On the whole, this makes the idea of Montgomery even being available after 2024 less likely especially given his horrible struggles this season. Assuming he can't get back on track, taking a guaranteed $20+ million for 2025 and trying again with a regular offseason and preseason makes a ton of sense.

However, things get more interesting if Montgomery pitches well the rest of the way. Sure, his 6.58 ERA is unsightly, but many believe that he will improve signficantly over the course of the season. If that ends up being true, his numbers will even themselves out and he could decide that he should opt out and try to land the multi-year deal he desired (and deserved after his 2023 efforts), especially now that he doesn't carry any Scott Boras baggage after firing him.

If that comes to pass, expect the Rangers to be involved. While they had some specific payroll issues that guided their thinking when it came to Montgomery last offseason, Texas has a good amount of money coming off the books after this season and are acutely aware of the value that having depth in their rotation has. Nothing is guaranteed here, but don't think that Monty triggering his player option means it is a lock that he is gone for good.

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