Texas Rangers Host Two Special Events

Tonight the Texas Rangers begin a three-game series against the Los Angeles Angels. Earlier today the club announced to very special events taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

April is Autism Awareness month, and on Tuesday the Texas Rangers will host Autism Awareness Night. Major League Baseball has again partnered with Autism Speaks to help raise awareness the fastest growing serious developmental disorder. Autism Speaks is the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization and will be on-hand distributing information on the third base concourse.

The ceremonial first pitch will be thrown by Good Morning Texas host Carrie McClure and her 6-year old son Barron who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when he was around 2-years old. The Texas Rangers will have a designated “Quiet Zone” available for those who purchased tickets for the Autism Awareness Night. The Rangers will donate $3.00 from every ticket purchased for this special evening.

More from Texas Rangers News

There is a lot of helpful information for guests and family members attending the game in the Autism Awareness Day: A Guide to the Game!

April 15 is Jackie Robinson Day for all of Major League Baseball. This season commemorates the 68th anniversary of Robinson breaking Baseball’s color barrier in 1947. It will also mark the 7th year in which all players and on-field personnel will wear Number ’42’ in honor of Jackie Robinson. The number 42 was retired by MLB in 1997 and Mariano Rivera was the last active player to wear 42.

The Texas Rangers will have a pre-game field recognition of the United Negro College Fund with representatives from Texas College, Jarvis Christian College, and Huston-Tillotson University. Texas Representative Helen Giddings will throw out the ceremonial first pitch. The National Anthem will be sung by Kenya Crawford of the First St. John Cathedral in Fort Worth.

Not only is Jackie Robinson Day a special time of the season to celebrate his bravery, but also a day to inspire future generations of ballplayers to get dream big and realize anything is truly possible. I enjoy this day because it captures the Nation’s attention and helps people remember how far we’ve come and how far we have yet to go. It gives me the chance to share Baseball’s history with my son and those are memories that last a lifetime.

In Major League Baseball’s 2015 Civil Rights Game press release, Mrs. Robinson made the following statement:

"On behalf of our family and the Jackie Robinson Foundation, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Major League Baseball for honoring Jack’s historic achievements and his fight for equality both on and off the ball field,” said Rachel Robinson, wife of Jackie Robinson and the founder of the Jackie Robinson Foundation. “In recognizing Jack’s accomplishments, it is my hope that this commemoration inspires future generations towards impactful service within their own communities and beyond."

I watched 42 for the umpteenth time today, and I will admit that I get basballbumps (this is what I call goosebumps that are caused by baseball) and teary-eyed every time I watch it. My favorite line?

"Maybe tomorrow we’ll all wear 42, that way they won’t tell us apart."

On Wednesday, every Major League Baseball player will wear ’42’, but we can tell none of them are Robinson because there has only been one and there will never be another Jackie Robinson.


Next: The Injuries Keep Coming
