Hollie Hamilton
Joined: Sep 5, 2019
My name is Hollie Hamilton, My Ranger fandom, is before my first memories. Watching the Texas Rangers was the core part of my childhood, into my adulthood. I went to the University of Texas at Arlington, and saw a young Hunter Pence, playing in a UTA uniform. I worked at the Ballpark in Arlington (now the sooner to be leaving The Globe Field) in the promotions department. (Would you like a bobblehead) Working in a major league baseball stadium, was one of the happiest time in my life. I met so many wonderful people with the Texas Rangers organization., I was even given a nickname Miss Baseball all because I could pronounce Justin Duchscherer. I found a passion for writing and with my passion for baseball they seemed to mesh together like hot dogs and Cracker Jack. I love writing about baseball and the Texas Rangers. I am looking forward to sharing my love of the game and my team with you.